Ms. Astri
“Tolong tepat waktu ya” = Please be on time ya
This is a great word to remind people not to come late, especially when you arrange some repair issue with an engineer team so things would go on time.
If other people can do it, so can I do it also.
Ms. Astrid
“Tolong sabar ya” = Please be patient
Asking to the other person to wait for us (appointment or take an action) politely, or you can use this word to comfort a grieving person.
Where there’s a will, there’s a way. Because every difficulty has its ease, and every problem has a solution.
Ms. Emha
“Macet ya” = Traffic jam
This is VERY common in Jakarta area, and you can start the conversation with your driver by saying it when you stuck in traffic.
The only person who can stop you from reaching your goal is yourself, be strong for your Life and for your lovely person.
Mr. Iemoto
“Tolong cepat” = Please be fast
Most of the case, it takes time for whatever it is requested, so this word is useful to express the sense of urgency when requesting house matter to engineer team.
A picture is worth a thousand words
Mr. Omori
“AC nya Bocor” = AC is leaking
Usually this is what you experience in living in Indonesia, therefore you can say it when there is leaking from Air Conditioner.
Tomorrow is another day
Ms. Corry
“Jangan pedas sama sekali ya” = Don’t make it spicy at all ya
Sometimes, when order Indonesian food, it is often a little bit spicy even though we tell the restaurant staff to make it not spicy. Therefore, this word is useful to make sure to the restaurant staff that we don’t like it spicy at all.
As long as you do what you like, surely you will be successful at it.
Ms. Retno
“Coba jelaskan” = Please explain
This sentence is useful if you want to know the detail of matter such as “reason” of the problem or “guideline or rules” if we want to do something.
Be happy without comparing yourself to others
Mr. Syahril
Mr. Rudi and Mr. Ian
Team Driver
Mr. Suryadi, Mr. Bambang, Mr. Wahyu and Mr. Rasyid
Team Engineer