About Indonesia

Indonesia basic and living information.

Basic Information on Indonesia Indonesia is an island nation with a land length of 5,110 km from east to west and the largest number of islands in the world, consisting of 18,000 islands of various sizes straddling the equator.

With a population of approximately 270 million, Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world and has more than 300 ethnic groups. It is also known as the country with the world’s largest Muslim population.

Country Name: Republic Of Indonesia (Kanji: indo-ni-xia)

Capital: Jakarta (population 10.56 million in 2020, Central Statistics Agency)
(The capital is scheduled to be moved from Jakarta to Nusantara in East Kalimantan.)

Climate: The climate is tropical. The rainy season is from October to March, and the dry season is from April to September. There is no significant temperature difference between the wet and dry seasons, and the temperature is almost constant throughout the year, with the average temperature in Jakarta ranging from 26 to 30 degrees Celsius. Humidity is about 80%.

Area: Approximately 1.92 million square kilometers (about 5 times the size of Japan)

Population: Approximately 270.2 million (2020, Central Statistics Agency)

Race: Mostly Malay (about 300 ethnic groups including Javanese, Sundanese, etc.); 5% Chinese

Language: The official language is Indonesian. More than 90% of Indonesians understand and use Indonesian, but there are more than 700 languages that are unique to different parts of the country and are still spoken today.


  • Islam 87.2%
  • Christianity 9.8% (Protestant 6.9%, Catholic 2.9%)
  • Hinduism 1.7%
  • Buddhism 0.7%
  • Confucianism 0.05%
  • Others 0.55%

Time difference from Japan: 2 hours (Jakarta), 1 hour (Bali)

Clothing: Summer clothing is sufficient for a comfortable stay in Bali (although it can be cold indoors in malls and hotels due to over-air conditioning). (However, it can be cold indoors in malls and hotels due to over-air-conditioning.)


  • 220 volts / 50 Hz
  • *Transformers are required for electrical appliances from Japan*.
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